Charles Gati

Senior Fellow

Charles Gati (PhD, Indiana University) has taught at Union College, Columbia University, Yale University, and since the mid-1990s at Johns Hopkins University where he continues to mentor graduate students and where he's a Senior Fellow at the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute.  He was a consultant to the US State Department's Policy Planning Staff from 1989 to 1992 and a full-time, senior member of the Policy Planning Staff  in 1993-94. He worked primarily on issues related to NATO enlargement and US relations with Central Europe and Russia. He has published widely on Central and East European issues, US foreign policy, and Russian foreign policy in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and elsewhere. He has authored or edited more than a dozen books, including ZBIG: The Strategy and Statecraft of Zbigniew Brzezinski and Failed Illusions: Moscow, Washington, Budapest and the 1956 Hungarian Revolt, both of which were also published in several  foreign languages. Professor Gati won the Marshall Shulman Prize twice, given for the best book of the year on the international relations of the former Soviet sphere.